Wednesday, March 26

Quick Update

I'm impatient to retire the the Ludiquest so someone needs to solve it. I'll do one last post of it and try to link it in new places to get some new eyes to look at it and someone to solve it. If that doesn't work, I'll post pieces of the solution until someone gets it. After this, I won't be posting new Ludiquests unless I can figure out some way to structure them so they wrap up more quickly. Instead, I will post a game review every Monday morning, beginning with Fairy Tale this coming Monday.

Games played this week: The Bucket King, Ra, Shogun, Fairy Tale, St. Peterburg, California, Battlelore (x2). Shogun and BattleLore were both new to me and both were pretty good. I will definitely have to try both of them again. Game count is now at 63.

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