Wednesday, January 30

"I'm not dead yet"

It’s been ten days since my last post. That makes me a bad blogger and means I’ve rather quickly failed out on one of my gaming resolutions, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to abandon it. I’ll just have to jump back on the blogging wagon and try harder this week. I’ll start back with a quick update of what’s been going on.

I had a party on Jan. 19th, and several party games were played which I can add to the game count: Lost Cities x 2, Snorta x 2, Scene It, Transamerica and the Bucket King. The new game count is 32.

Last Saturday (Jan 26th) I managed to rope a couple of friends into trying out the simple “Cattle Baron” prototype. The comments about the gameplay were encouraging and the game seemed to work well. However, the comments about the quality of the prototype were not very positive. I can’t really disagree – placing paper fence pieces on paper tile pieces lends itself to quite a bit of sliding around. My next order of business on this project is to fabricate a prototype that is a little more robust. Afterwards, we got in a game of Ticket to Ride: game count 33.

I broke down and bought Rock Band over the weekend. It’s very hard to find it for the PS2 and I saw two copies when I was walking through Best Buy. As expected, it’s a very addictive time-waster and probably has a bit to do with my dearth of posts.

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