Saturday, January 5

LudiQuest II

Ok, so it’s time for the next contest. I’ve given it a new, shiny (if slightly goofy) name. I'm sorry to say I had to make a last minute change due to a "technical difficulty", but I think it will still be quite interesting. I had a few goals in mind when coming up with this contest, and I’d like to share them with you.

i. I want to make the contest difficult enough that no one will solve it on the first day. I don’t want this to be a case where within hours of posting the puzzle it’s been solved, and most people are out of contention before they’ve even read it. Optimally, I’d like it to be a week or more before someone wins. If I eventually need to dole out pieces to make this work, I will – but for now it is solvable pretty much as soon as it’s posted.

ii. I don’t want the puzzle to require advanced mathematics or dedicated computing power to solve. While it might require a bit of ciphering, I’d much rather a few "Aha!" moments are enough to do the trick.
iii. I want the contest to be completely free to play (apart from having certain ubiquitous services, like the one allowing you to read this web page).

iv. I want their to be the possibility that you’ll learn something new while solving it.

v. I want the puzzle to be fun!

So those are my goals – we’ll see how thing play out. Keep #3 in mind – this puzzle is free, and knowing that might help you avoid a certain path. The prize, as previously announced, is a new copy of the game Ra. Once again, you’ll be told where to send your answer. Have patience, be persistent, and good luck. Here it is:

With Roman count as 102
You'll read the writing on the wall,
But you will need to change your view
Before you make the proper call.*

57 76 57 48 57 55 57 57 57 56*

*rhyme slightly revised to make it more clear

*Corrected last number in sequence from 54 to 56.


Heyoka James said...
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MadPuzzler said...

Heyoka James said: The answer is a "lightbulb"

(remaining comment deleted as it could reveal hint)

This isn't the answer, but I like the way you're thinking. It's a bit more involved. The string of numbers does serve a purpose.

To everyone: Please don't post your answer in the comments. When you have the answer, you'll know where to send it.

Anonymous said...

riddles! yikes I don't even know where to start on that. best of luck to the others